Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Discounted Hypnobabies Classes

Because the holidays are right around the corner, and The Doula House is about to start their Holiday series of classes; we are offering a $25 discount on our classes. That bring the cost to $275, which is a great deal for an 18 hour childbirth course

What is Hypnobabies?

Hypnobabies is a complete childbirth education course. Hypnobabies uses real medical hypno-anesthesia, the kind they use to put people under for surgery. Hypnobabies uses “Eyes-Open” hypnosis which allows the mother to move about during birth, while staying in a deep state of relaxed hypnosis. Using Hypnobabies will teach you how to stay in a deep state of hypnosis, and how to tell your body how to work best during your birthing time.

Hypnobabies is a complete childbirth Education class, covering everything from nutrition, and optimal fetal positioning.You will learn about informed consent and how to make the best choices for you and your baby. We help our fathers or birth partners know how to best help our hypno-moms.

Hypnobabies can be used in a hospital delivery setting, a birthing center, or a home birth.

The Course includes 6 3 hours classes held once a week. This is the optimum to allow the subconscious mind to reprogram belief systems about birth. Hypnosis can be used not only for the birthing, but for morning sickness, turning babies, and getting the birth process started when you are past-due.

Please call or visit our website for the dates of the next scheduled class.
Marinda Lloyd 801-548-2917